Parehuia Henare
Ko Pūtahi te maunga
Ko Wairoro te awa
Ko Te Kotahitanga te marae
Ko Ngāti Whakaeke te hapū
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
I am their blood in my veins that courses through their memories into mine, I am the thoughtful love of the world that is my Mother who I feel through the light of the stars that guide me when I venture on my own. And the work of my Father’s creation binds together to help me stand tall, to be strong for my brothers so I can teach them what I know. I am a child of the whenua feeling reborn when I sink into the arms of her that grasp and hold me tight. I let this world of being show me its dreams, show me how creation speaks without words, that it says everything I cannot. I let it feel with me how the hypnotic sky’s of Kaikohe and Hokianga are and how they shape me today.
I am a collector, finding things, watching, observing, incubating an understanding.
I am the holder of the name Parehuia Henare binding togetherness of my two families who are with me no matter how far.