TŪHONO | ENGAGETe Toi MaharaUnaunahiWānanga ToiTai o Hī Tai o HāNgā Kaupapa o Te Wā | What’s On OUR PROGRAMMES KAUPAPA TOI | Creative Development Programmes Toi Ngāpuhi runs programmes aimed at fostering growth and excellence in toi across Te Taitokerau. Our current programme details can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding logos below. UNAUNAHI Whakairoiro programme to support the revitalisation of Māori arts mātauranga practices and cultural materials. To read more click HERE TE TIRA RANGA Te Tira Ranga was established to support the growth and sharing of knowledge and kōrero within the realm of Te Whare Pora. To read more click HERE. TAI O HĪ TAI O HĀ Wānanga Toi Series and internships run for taiohi aged 18 to 28. There is an intake every 2 years. Click HERE to read more or register your interest.