Ngāti Te Reinga, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu
Hori Te Tai is from Panguru, Hokianga, where he grew up around and on his marae in Waihou. This installed within him his love for Te Ao Māori and tikanga, which later transferred to Toi Māori. Hori has worked as a full-time kaumoana for Te Toki Voyaging Trust, becoming engrossed in waka hourua, mātauranga around voyaging and the importance of sharing these traditions with tai tamariki.
In 2021, Hori was a part of the inaugural Tai o Hī Tai o Hā wānanga intake, where he was able to progress his deep interests in Te Tai Tokerau visual language pertaining to Toi Māori. Hori has recently joined the Toi Ngāpuhi whānau as Pou Awhina in the Toi Whakairo programme where he will contribute to the Toi Ngāpuhi vision.