Symphony Morunga
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Nukutawhiti te ariki o runga Ko Puke-huia me Puke-haua ngā maunga
Ko Ngāti Kaharau me Ngāti Hau ngā hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Tepiiti te marae
Ko Taitamatane te whare
Ko Mokai Awhina te whare kai
Ko Omanaia te whenua
Ko Tapiki tu te urupa
Ko Tou Kahawai te awa
Ko Hokianga Whakapau Karakia te moana
Symphony enjoys tā moko, whakairo and graphic design. She loves studying and using the patterns within these art forms in her own work and she also likes to create her own anime characters and give them Māori characteristics.
Symphony enjoys the creative areas of tā moko, whakairo and graphic design. She loves studying and using the patterns within these art forms in her own work and she also likes to create her own anime characters and give them Māori characteristics.
Symphony is a self-taught tā moko artist and while she uses contemporary tools and materials, her designs are often based on traditional patterns. Her whakairo techniques are based on Ngāpuhi and Tainui methods.
She is currently the Junior Designer at Ākau Studio in Kaikohe.
Symphony aims to be an established tā moko and graphic design artist who can both work for and provide work for her local community. She would also like to give back to her local community.
Symphony’s pūkenga are her whānau and community.
Symphony Morunga and Nikau Campbell have both completed an intensive Graphic Design internship alongside Kyra Clarke of Threaded, to upskill in foundational Graphic Design work and complete the Tai o Hī Tai o Hā Wānanga Toi Series 2023 promotional campaign material. Proudly supported by the Ministry of Social Development.