Nei rā te reo karanga a te kāhui taiohi o te Tai o Hī Tai o Hā wānanga kia huihui mai ki te whakamānutanga o te whakaaturanga nei, a Tai o Hī Tai o Hā.
The kāhui taiohi invite you to Tai o Hī Tai o Hā - the inaugural exhibition: a presentation of our current journey’s within toi Māori.
Tai o Hī Tai o Hā is collective of ringatoi, whānau and hoa aropā taken up by successive waves of tupuna creativity. These waves gather, form and express diverse Māori ways of thinking, being and making through toi. Haramai tētahi āhua!
This aute represents how my whakapapa continues to bind me and others together, me being the tiare flower. It describes how our whakapapa and different parts of Te Ao Māori binds us together as Tangata Whenua.
ARTIST: Dina Tiare McLeod
SIZE: 240mm x 390mm
MATERIALS: Aute, Kōkōwai, Tānekaha, White Clay, Harakeke strips, Charcoal, Water Colour Paint
These jewellery pieces represent ngā maunga whakahī o te whare tapu o Ngāpuhi. These maunga are significant to each of us as Ngāpuhi Kōwhao rau.
ARTISTS: Dina Tiare McLeod & Twilight Edwards
SIZE: Earrings – 35mm x 45mm; Necklace - 90mm x 60mm
DESCRIPTION: Necklace & Earring Set
MATERIAL: Copper, Gold, Muka
Just as we see new growth and movement in taiao, the flowing forms and koru in this design illustrate how we as Māori ringatoi live, create, see, and develop. It gives an impression of continuous pathway creation and includes tohu that represent endless potential; Pūmotomoto.
ARTIST: Hori Te Tai
SIZE: 470mm x 900 mm
MATERIAL: Ink on 300gsm hahnemuhle
Pouako brings together all of the teachings I have gained from being a part of Tai o Hī Tai o Hā. I wanted to simply and effectively show what I have learnt, highlighting what I really enjoyed.
The tāniko links me to what I have been taught in mau rākau. The rākau underneath the tāniko depicts what I have learnt through tārai waka. The five rākau are my tūāpapa, symbolising key people in my life.
Pouako symbolises those who have guided me up until this point in my life.
ARTIST: Joseph Edmonds
SIZE: 300mm x 420mm
MATERIAL: Rākau Muka, Waitae Tānekaha, Raurēkau
I’ve based my work off my passion for anime. I am inspired by the animation style of drawing. The characters on the page are full of rage. In the process of creating this work I started multiple drawings but did not believe in my skills. I felt a lot of frustration so I ripped the pieces and they landed on a blank piece of paper. From frustration, an idea sparked in my mind from one little rage.
Ko te pū, ko te riri ka puta ko te āhuatanga.
ARTIST: Kereama Kara
SIZE: 760mm x 505mm
MATERIAL: Lead, Ink, Watercolor paper, Kōkōwai, Ahi, Hau, Wai
"Mā te wāhine, mā te whenua ka ora ai"
Nau mai e ngā oranga o ngā mana wāhine o Papatūānuku, o Hineahuone. Ko te ūkaipō o Hineahuone te pitomata nō te kōpū o Papatūānuku. Ka puta mai te ira atua, te ira tangata ki te whei ao, ki te ao marama, tīhei mauri ora.
Kurawaka is the birthplace of Hineahuone found at the kōpū of Papatūānuku. The poutama pattern acknowledges this whakapapa and the inherent connection between ira atua and ira tangata. This piece pays homage to our atua wāhine and the creation of life.
ARTIST: Lydia Day
MATERIALS: Kurawaka / Tānekaha paint, Pīngao, Kiekie, Synthetic thread.
Ko Hineteiwaiwa te atua wahine o ngā wai e rua e kukume ana, e tō ana i te ngao o te tangata. Ko ia pū te kaiarataki o ngā tamariki ki te ao kikokiko, otirā rātou ngā kahuatua o te ao wairua kua whetūrangitia. Ka okioki ki te Āhuru Mōwai, ki Hawaiki.
Hineteiwaiwa is the lunar glow that pulls and pushes the tides of waters bringing forth new life, and returning the spiritual life back to Hawaiki.
ARTIST: Lydia Day
MATERIALS: Porcelain clay paint, Pīngao, Kiekie, Synthetic thread.
Ka titiro ki te paerangi, kei raro ko Wainui-ātea, kei runga ko Tangotango, ā ka whānau mai ko Tamanui-te-rā.
Wainui-ātea is the female epitome where the ocean meets horizon, Tangotango is her partner that lays across her canvas. Each and every day they give birth to Tamanui-te-rā.
ARTIST: Lydia Day
SIZE: 460mm x 460mm
MATERIALS: Acrylic Paint.
“Ko Au te Taiao Ko te Taiao Ko Au”
E kōrero ana tēnei tā mō tō tātou hononga ā whakapapa ki Taiao. E whakamihi i ngā āhuatanga ka whakaata mai, ka tohu mai ki a tātou te tangata. E waimarie ana i ngā wheako whakaohooho wairua, whakahihiko hinengaro.
A depiction of innate connection to all things seen, unseen. Emphasising relationships to our natural surroundings and the profound affect and enlightenment it can have on ones well-being.
ARTIST: Nikau Campbell
SIZE: 440mm x 320mm
MATERIALS: White colour pencil on black cartridge paper
“Ko Au te Taiao Ko te Taiao Ko Au”
E kōrero ana tēnei tā mō tō tātou hononga ā whakapapa ki Taiao. E whakamihi i ngā āhuatanga ka whakaata mai, ka tohu mai ki a tātou te tangata. E waimarie ana i ngā wheako whakaohooho wairua, whakahihiko hinengaro.
A depiction of innate connection to all things seen, unseen. Emphasising relationships to our natural surroundings and the profound affect and enlightenment it can have on ones well-being.
ARTIST: Nikau Campbell
SIZE: 445mm x 320mm
MATERIALS: Paint pen.
Toitū te marae o Tānemahuta, toitū te marae o Tangaroa, toitū te tangata. If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive.
This quadriptych incorporates different painting techniques and traditional patterns to illustrate the story and hononga between Kauri and Tohorā. Tānemahuta (God of the forest) and Tangaroa (God of the sea) flank their uri in this pūrākau. Said to be brothers, Kauri and Tohorā both originated from the realm of Tānemahuta until one day Tohorā ventured into the realm of Tangaroa. Before departing, Kauri was gifted the skin of his brother as protection forever more.
ARTIST: Ramai Rapihana Ngakuru
SIZE: 890mm x 620mm
MATERIALS: Mixed Medium on canvas, ink
He Tuatahitanga along with Oroko are my first attempt at creating uku earrings.
They have been created by shaping and carving into the uku, after which they went through the process of drying, bisque firing, and pit firing.
ARTIST: Ramai Rapihana Ngakuru
SIZE: 35mm Long
Oroko along with He Tuatahitanga are my first attempt at creating uku earrings.
They have been created by shaping and carving into the uku, after which they went through the process of drying, bisque firing, and pit firing.
ARTIST: Ramai Rapihana Ngakuru
SIZE: 60mm long
Te Kokomea, seeks to explore the relationship between the paeātea and paewhenua and its complex, generative, diverse and active entanglements that both dissect and interconnect within the two planes.
An acknowledgement of taonga tuku iho shared within the Tai o Hī Tai o Hā wānanga and the respective mātanga. Te Kokomea can be considered as a whakatauāki - recalling the significance of taiao in understanding ancestral connections to materials, techniques and knowledge that form these living and enduring traditions.
ARTIST: Rongomai Grbic-Hoskins
TE KOKOMEA 1: 470 x 340 mm - Digital Illustration Print on Hanhemühle Photo Rag
TE KOKOMEA 3: 470 x 340 mm - Digital Illustration Print on Hanhemühle Photo Rag
To purchase Kokomea 1 & 3 please select from the dropdown menu.
Within the frames of my door she lies. She has greeted my tūpuna before me, and she awaits the arrival of you and I. For she is not a cold breath that lingers in the end. She is the warm embrace of a māmā. She is the final comfort before the journey to Hawaiki nui, Hawaiki roa, Hawaiki pāmamao.
ARTIST: Waiora Mete-Cherrington
SIZE: 500mm x 400 mm
MATERIALS: Acrylic on canvas.
For she has called you back to our origin. Te karanga ō Hine-nui-te-pō. The return to Hawaiki.
ARTIST: Waiora Mete-Cherrington
SIZE: 500mm x 760 mm
MATERIALS: Acrylic on canvas
This poi āwhiowhio is a taonga pūoro that when swung at the side of the body gently imparts harmonious vibrations.
HAPŪ: Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Hao, Ngāti Kuta, Ngāti Manu, Ngāpuhi
RINGATOI/ARTIST: Dorothy Waetford
HAPŪ: Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Wai, Ngāpuhi
SIZE: Length - 750mm; Poi - 55mm x 40mm
RAUEMI/MATERIALS: Uku, Muka, Tōtara, Waitae