Waiora Mete-Cherrington
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Taniwha te maunga
Ko Hokianga te awa
Ko Hokianga whakapau karakia te moana.
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Nukutawhiti te tangata o te waka
Ko toki mata-hourua te whare
Ko Tauteihiihi te marae Ko Te Pakeretu te urupa.
Ko Te ihu tai te hapū
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
No kohukohu ahau
Ko Waiora toku ingoa
Waiora covers many areas of toi Māori from visual arts to performing arts and many areas in- between. She enjoys singing and performing in kapa haka and she is also a painter who uses brushes, hessian, harakeke, pens and pencils in her craft.
Waiora has had a strong kowhaiwhai, tukutuku and tā moko focus.
She has recently become more interested in the processes of whakairo and taonga pūoro.
She would like to capture stories of old and gain as much knowledge as possible that has been handed down from her tupuna while also being able to have a modern outlook on toi Māori.
Waiora’s great influence has been her Uncle BJ Natanahira for his vast mātauranga, his mentorship of her and her toi Māori journey. He has also inspired her to challenge the norms.