Cassidy Makiha
Photographer: Symphony Morunga
Photographer: Te Rawhitroa Photography
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Ko Whakatere te maunga,
Waima te awa,
Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka,
Te Māhurehure te iwi,
Tuhirangi te marae.
Ko Haami Makiha tōku matua,
Ko Erana Fenton tōku whaea,
ko te haututū ahau.
Growing up in South Auckland, you have the treat of being creatively influenced at every corner. From renowned graffiti artists painting murals on the side of your local dairy to dancers holding cyphers wherever there was an open space and a street light. Since moving to Te Taitokerau, I've been immersed in digital design and content creation with a core focus on uplifting communities.