Karen Leef
Photographer: Symphony Morunga
Photographer: Te Rawhitroa Photography
Ki te taha o tōku Pāpā ko Panguru,
Te Ramaroa, me Te Ahuahu ōku maunga.
Ko Whakarapa, Whirinaki, me Waitangi ōku awa.
Ko Omapere te roto.
Ko Hokianga Whakapau Karakia me Pēwhairangi ōku moana.
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka.
Ko Te Rarawa, Te Hikutu, me Ngāpuhi ōku iwi.
Ko Ngāti Manawa, Ngāti Hineira,
Te Uri Taniwha, me Ngāti Korohue ōku hapū.
Ko Waipuna, Ngāti Manawa, Pā te Aroha, me Parawhenua ōku marae.
Ki te taha o tōku Māmā ko Aitutaki tōku moutere.
Ko Tau'tu te iwi.
Driven by her Māori, Aitutaki whakapapa, Karen is a multidisciplinary creative based in Te Whanganui a Tara. Passionate about reclamation and uplifting the mana of Indigenous people she creates provocative statement pieces that tell captivating stories about her journey navigating two worlds, Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pākehā. Her creative practice is a celebratory fusion of; poetry, weaving, visual design, taonga puoro and recently, whakairo. Karen enjoys being innovative with what she has, remembering that “everything has a whakapapa; therefore, anything can be a taonga." Guided by her ancestors, she stands on the shoulders of the incredible Rangatira who have empowered her to stand in the fullness of her whakapapa. Her sister, Christina Leef, has been her biggest pou and inspiration. Although they live on opposite ends of Te Ika a Māui, her father David Leef aka Pāpā D has been there alongside her, returning traditional knowledge to her whānau and creating taonga for generations to come. Her tamariki Manawa and Te Ipukarea-Talei are her purpose.They remind her to be unapologetically Māori. She is a Māmā, a sister, a daughter, a kaitiaki, a dreamer and a haututū, weaving words upon puoro melodies calling her people home.