Jessica Hinerangi Thompson Carr
Photographer: Symphony Morunga
Photographer: Te Rawhitroa Photography
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Ko Whakatere me Taranaki ōku maunga.
Ko Waima Tuhirangi me Waingongoro ōku awa.
Ko Hokianga Whakapau Karakia me Te Tai o Rehua ōku moana.
Ko Māmari me Aotea ōku waka.
Ko Te Māhurehure me Kanihi-Umutahi ōku hapū.
Ko Ngāpuhi, Ngāruahine me Ngāti Ruanui ōku iwi.
Ko Waima Tuhirangi me Kanihi-Māwhitwhiti ōku marae.
Ko Jessica Hinerangi Thompson Carr tōku ingoa.
Jessica connects to Te Ao Marama through her toi practice, and is motivated by aroha and reconnecting with her whakapapa. Jessica sees herself as a multi-media cyclical artist, and a bit of a haututū. She moves through various mediums such as digital, whenua pigment painting, taonga puoro, and the written word, often under the name Māori Mermaid. She aspires to be generous in her mahi and contribute to her iwi throughout her life. Jessica aims to pull people in with her work, service community with art, and āwhina others into their own creativity.