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Pouako brings together all of the teachings I have gained from being a part of Tai o Hī Tai o Hā. I wanted to simply and effectively show what I have learnt, highlighting what I really enjoyed.

The tāniko links me to what I have been taught in mau rākau. The rākau underneath the tāniko depicts what I have learnt through tārai waka. The five rākau are my tūāpapa, symbolising key people in my life.
Pouako symbolises those who have guided me up until this point in my life.

ARTIST: Joseph Edmonds
300mm x 420mm
Rākau Muka, Waitae Tānekaha, Raurēkau

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Pouako brings together all of the teachings I have gained from being a part of Tai o Hī Tai o Hā. I wanted to simply and effectively show what I have learnt, highlighting what I really enjoyed.

The tāniko links me to what I have been taught in mau rākau. The rākau underneath the tāniko depicts what I have learnt through tārai waka. The five rākau are my tūāpapa, symbolising key people in my life.
Pouako symbolises those who have guided me up until this point in my life.

ARTIST: Joseph Edmonds
300mm x 420mm
Rākau Muka, Waitae Tānekaha, Raurēkau

Pouako brings together all of the teachings I have gained from being a part of Tai o Hī Tai o Hā. I wanted to simply and effectively show what I have learnt, highlighting what I really enjoyed.

The tāniko links me to what I have been taught in mau rākau. The rākau underneath the tāniko depicts what I have learnt through tārai waka. The five rākau are my tūāpapa, symbolising key people in my life.
Pouako symbolises those who have guided me up until this point in my life.

ARTIST: Joseph Edmonds
300mm x 420mm
Rākau Muka, Waitae Tānekaha, Raurēkau


Joseph Edmonds (Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Hao, Ngāti Kuta, Ngāti Manu, Ngāti Rangi)

Inspiration for Jojo comes from several places. Jojo started Mau Mākau when he was 10 back in 2017 . In November 2018, Jojo graded for his Poutahi at his marae, Whakapara and in 2020 he graded Pouwhā.  When he was undertaking the grading, Jojo had to make his own tīpare where he learnt to cross stitch and taaniko. Jojo’s Mum taught him the art of taaniko.

Te Whitiki o te Tiare
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