
Sale Price:NZ$330.00 Original Price:NZ$660.00
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“Ko Au te Taiao Ko te Taiao Ko Au”

E kōrero ana tēnei tā mō tō tātou hononga ā whakapapa ki Taiao. E whakamihi i ngā āhuatanga ka whakaata mai, ka tohu mai ki a tātou te tangata. E waimarie ana i ngā wheako whakaohooho wairua, whakahihiko hinengaro.

A depiction of innate connection to all things seen, unseen. Emphasising relationships to our natural surroundings and the profound affect and enlightenment it can have on ones well-being.

ARTIST: Nikau Campbell
440mm x 320mm
White colour pencil on black cartridge paper

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“Ko Au te Taiao Ko te Taiao Ko Au”

E kōrero ana tēnei tā mō tō tātou hononga ā whakapapa ki Taiao. E whakamihi i ngā āhuatanga ka whakaata mai, ka tohu mai ki a tātou te tangata. E waimarie ana i ngā wheako whakaohooho wairua, whakahihiko hinengaro.

A depiction of innate connection to all things seen, unseen. Emphasising relationships to our natural surroundings and the profound affect and enlightenment it can have on ones well-being.

ARTIST: Nikau Campbell
440mm x 320mm
White colour pencil on black cartridge paper

“Ko Au te Taiao Ko te Taiao Ko Au”

E kōrero ana tēnei tā mō tō tātou hononga ā whakapapa ki Taiao. E whakamihi i ngā āhuatanga ka whakaata mai, ka tohu mai ki a tātou te tangata. E waimarie ana i ngā wheako whakaohooho wairua, whakahihiko hinengaro.

A depiction of innate connection to all things seen, unseen. Emphasising relationships to our natural surroundings and the profound affect and enlightenment it can have on ones well-being.

ARTIST: Nikau Campbell
440mm x 320mm
White colour pencil on black cartridge paper

Nikau Campbell
(Ngai Tūpoto, Te Waiariki, Te Aowera, Ngāti Manawa, Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa)

Nikau is a visual artist who enjoys creating mixed media pieces, using paper and collage and drawing. Nikau enjoys all forms of artistic expression and appreciates the way creators have the initial idea and then bring it to light in their own unique way. She finds that when creatives share the journey and process behind the works it’s just as fascinating as the mahi produced.

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