Induction Day at Threaded’ Design Studio in Ngunguru, Whangārei
Kyra, Nikau and Symphony
DURATION: June-August 2022
LOCATION: Online with Threaded Design Studio
Symphony Morunga and Nikau Campbell were successful in their pitch to spend an intensive two months working alongside Kyra Clarke of Threaded, to upskill in foundational Graphic Design work and complete the Tai o Hī Tai o Hā Wānanga Toi Series 2023 promotional campaign material. Proudly supported by the Ministry of Social Development.
They were briefed with an ambitious set of tasks to complete during their internship, including updating the Tai o Hī Tai o Hā visual assets, contributing to the 2023 design collateral and conceptualising and developing their own unique Graphic design project.
When asked about their experience Symphony and Nikau had the following to say:
“My biggest learning was the importance of time management and work ethic. I aspire to be on the same level as Whaea Kyra with her skill of managing time and work ethic! Although she is hardcore pukumahi, she is able to juggle everything and have the best results within her craft.
In the future, I would like to apply these learnings and techniques in support of my own rangahau of kōkōwai o Te Tai Tokerau and the visual influence our taiao has with our tauira Māori within kōwhaiwhai, tuktuku, tāniko and whakairo whakarei with the intention of celebrating pūrākau and hītori nō Te Tai Tokerau and creating more resource for our up and coming ringatoi nō te kainga.
This is a beautiful opportunity for taiohi to explore graphic design especially with Whaea Kyra as the lead graphic designer as SHE IS AMAZING AND A TOTAL POWER HOUSE!!!!” Symphony Morunga
“Work ethic! Attention to detail. Kyra's efficiency in being able to take in korero/information and concepts, then feedback to me with a fresh perspective was great & inspiring. At times where I had been stuck, she would offer a different angle for me to look at my mahi from, or provide a link to a website or tutorial so I could explore and rangahau further into similar concepts.
Learning the fundamentals of Graphic Design. Realizing how broad the design landscape is, and understanding in more depth (some) of the (many) Design elements, what those elements are, how they work with one another, how they influence each other, what can be evoked simply by text style etc. (Including kupu hou, design terminology)
I will keep practicing the pūkenga I have picked up during this Internship as well as building upon those learnings via self-directed learning. I will continue creating the Poster book that I had envisioned, and also work on building up my portfolio within the Graphic Design medium.
Ko te pae tawhiti mōku ki a waihanga rauemi ma ngā tamariki Māori.
Mihi nunui ki a Toi Ngāpuhi me Kyra mo tenei wheako. Grateful for the opportunity to upskill & learn from a maatanga wahinetoa ko Kyra. Her whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and guidance has had a profound impact on myself as an aspiring artist and Graphic Designer, and Mama in this space. Waihoki, ko ia e whakatauira i te kounga o tera ao waihanga, a e angitu nei ahau/tatou.” Nikau Campbell
“It was extremely refreshing for me to see, hear and feel how connected to our culture, te reo Māori and our natural world both of these wāhine are! Their eagerness to embed a Te Ao Māori perspective and portray these deeper learnings from whānau members and he taonga tuku iho into their mahi really made my flame burn brighter! He tino whakahī rawa ki a kōrua! Overall it was a real pleasure to share my mahi, time, energy and space with both of these extraordinary wāhine. I look forward to working together with them on kaupapa Māori in the future!” Kyra Clarke, Threaded