Three generations, Nikau Campbell with māmā Noa and daughter Kōwhai
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Panguru te maunga
Te Puna o Te Ao Marama me Ngahuia ngā marae
Te Waiariki, Ngāti Manawa, Ngai Tupoto me Ngāti Manu ngā hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi raua ko Te Rarawa ngā iwi
Nikau is a visual artist who enjoys creating mixed media pieces, using paper and collage and drawing. Nikau enjoys all forms of artistic expression and appreciates the way creators have the initial idea and then bring it to light in their own unique way.
She finds that when creatives share the journey and process behind the works it’s just as fascinating as the mahi produced. Her own pen style and way of drawing and her excellent cutting skills using a scalpel and scissors has set Nikau up well. She also knows her way around a 35mm camera and digital DSLR and she has a basic mohiotanga of screen printing & whakairo.
Nikau feels fortunate to be raised around a community of creatives: Katerina Te Heikōkō Mataira, Natasha Keating, Mandy Sunlight, Tracey Tawhiao, Te Rawhitiroa Bosch, Jos Wheeler, Nikau Hindin, Jasmine Fuller, Robyn Kahukiwa, Basquiat, and Ans Westra.
“Toi and creativity is just revolutionary… It can be healing, it can be activism, it’s sovereignty.” Rongomai Hoskins and Nikau Campbell are part of a collective of young Ngāpuhi artists.
This is part of our reo Māori series, Ohinga, created by Mahi Tahi Media, with funding from Te Māngai Pāho.
Symphony Morunga and Nikau Campbell have both completed an intensive Graphic Design internship alongside Kyra Clarke of Threaded, to upskill in foundational Graphic Design work and complete the Tai o Hī Tai o Hā Wānanga Toi Series 2023 promotional campaign material. Proudly supported by the Ministry of Social Development.