Hori Te Tai
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Te Reinga te maunga
Ko Te Reinga te tangata
Ko Ngāti Te Reinga te hapū
Ko Waihou Te Ukaipo
Ko Te Rarawa Kaiwhare te iwi
Hori is a visual artist who is currently doing mahi with the Te Toki Voyaging Trust whānau on waka hourua where he’s learnt about waka traditions, kōrero tuku iho and connections through the Pacific.
Hori is particularly interested in the different types of lashings as part of the waka traditions and wants to do further research on this.
Hori’s visual art is based on drawing incorporating different Māori forms and elements connected to his own personal perspective. He’s also interested in painting and printing and he wants to learn more about the Northern style of Toi Māori including understanding appropriate tikanga and what symbols and forms are traditional and unique to the North.
A huge influence on Hori’s creative practice is his brother who is skilled at toi whakairo. Hori’s travels to Hawai’i where he watched the traditional practice of tattooing with uhi, has led to him wanting to learn more about uhi traditions in Aotearoa and the possible revival of those traditions.