Joseph Edmonds (Right) Rebecca Toki (Left)
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Puketiti ki runga
Whakanekeneke ki raro
Ngā tini o Patuone ka puta
Tēnā ko Ngā Hao
He uri anō ahau nō Ngāti Hau,
Ngāti Manu, Ngāti Kuta me Ngāti Rangi
Tihei mauri ora!
Jojo started Mau Rākau when he was 10 back in 2017.
He studies alongside others under Te Whare Tū Taua o Aotearoa and he trains in Kaikohe under Bo McGee with Te Koohao Tuu Taua o Ngāpuhi. In November 2018, Jojo graded for his Poutahi at his marae, Whakapara and in 2020 he graded Pouwhā. Inspiration for Jojo comes from several places. He’s inspired by matua Kipa Munro and Bo McGee and Kiani Morunga is also someone he looks up to.
When he was undertaking the grading, Jojo had to make his own tīpare where he learnt to cross stitch and taaniko. Jojo’s Mum (pictured above) taught him the art of taaniko.
Initially, Jojo thought that art was just drawing but through attending Tai o hī Tai o hā, he has realised how broad art is and that there are lots of forms of creativity.