Rāmai Ngakuru
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Kai a te Whetu te maunga
Ko Waimamaku te awa
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko te Whakamaharatanga te marae
Ko Ngāti Pou te hapū
Ko Te Roroa me Ngāpuhi ngā iwi
Rāmai has always been drawn to painting and drawing.
She loves being able to pick up a paint brush and use her hand to move freely, adding and taking away layers until she is satisfied and she’s achieved a result she is happy with.
Raimai finds this process simple and easy, almost instinctive and she enjoys the way brush strokes create new detail which can then lead her on to find new ideas.
He uri tenei nō Ngāpuhi, Rāmai believes it’s important to learn the pukenga within her own iwi to keep the iwi’s styles, patterns and toi alive.
Rāmai is inspired by many Ngāpuhi artists who are willing to share their knowledge and techniques and are creating opportunities for people like her. She believes that toi is a taonga that is passed on from one generation to the next and she wants to be able to pass her knowledge too.