Pairama Woodbury
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Nukutawhiti te tangata o runga
Ko Te Ramaroa te maunga
Ko Matariki te awa
Ko Pakanae te marae
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Te Hikutu te hapū
Pairama is a kapa haka artist who loves singing waiata but recently has also started doing stencil work and painting. For the stencil and painting mahi, he has had help from his mother who is also an experienced weaver.
Inspiring people in his life are his Papa Hemi and teachers matua Bobby McDonald and Whaea Amiria who helped him learn various painting techniques.
Pairama believes that it’s good to show Ngāpuhi rangatahi that there are different paths and different ways of working and that toi is one that many people could do. It is a skill that will never leave you.