Hope Puriri


The role of wāhine in reclaiming the landscape.

Hope Puriri.

Ko Hurupaki, ko Parihaka ngā maunga,
Ko Te Māruarua, ko Hōteo ngā awa,
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka,
Ko Ngāraratunua te marae
Ko Torukao te tangata,
Ko Te Matatahi te tupuna.
Ko Te Kahu o Torongare te hapū.
Ko Ngāraratunua tōku kāinga.

He uri nōki au nō ēnei hapū o Te Tai Tokerau, arā, a Te Matarahurahu, Ngāi Tāwake ki te Waokū, Ngāti Rāhiri, Ngāti Te Ara-Ngāti Kōpaki, Ngāti Manu, Te Parawhau, me Te Uri o Hau.

Ko ngā iwi, ko Ngāpuhi. Ngāti Whātua. Ngāti Awa, Tūhoe, Tākitimu Vaka, Tuha`a Pae ki Rurutu.

Hope Puriri is a Spatial Designer at Matakohe Architecture + Urbanism in Whangārei and is passionate about promoting and elevating the presence and visibility of Te Ao Māori me Te Tuakiri Māori in the built environment.  From a young age she was always exploring her creativity through Toi Māori, wānanga and whanaunga that were involved in her upbringing. From ringa tā moko, kairaranga and kaiwhatu, kaiwhakairo, Hope always had in her mind Toi Māori and wondered what it would look like in architectural, landscape and urban design contexts.

As a Spatial Designer at Matakohe Architecture + Urbanism, she works on cultural design projects, where engagement and guidance with mana whenua groups is vital to a project. Cultural design principles and strategies, influenced by cultural narratives, are brought to fruition in the building, landscape, urban and interior design strands of the project through a process as such.

What Hope enjoys most in the cultural design space, is seeing whānau have moments of realisation, when possibilities of their kōrero, history, identity and mana come to life in physically visual elements.  She also enjoys the whanaungatanga time with the many whānau / mana whenua groups involved in the projects she works on.

"He hōnore nui mōku ki te mahi ngātahi ki ōku uri, ōku huanga o te kāinga nei me te motu whānui. Ahakoa haere ahau ki hea, me mahi ka tika mō te iwi hei painga mō rātou, ā, mō tātou katoa".




Hinurewa Te Hau


Kura Te Waru-Rewiri