Zoe Moana Murray


Tai o Hī Tai o Hā: A waka for transformational change

Te Kāhui Tai o Hī | Tai o Hā

Tai o Hī Tai o Hā was a series of marae-based wananga across the four directions of Te Taitokerau that brought together a group of 16 young creative leaders from the many hapu of Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu. They were introduced to ringatoi, mahi toi, taiao and whakapapa kōrero to spark their creativity and encourage them to pursue the arts as a meaningful and viable pathway, here in the kainga.

Join members of our kāhui taiohi as they share real talk about some of their experiences within the Tai o Hi Tai o Ha Wananga Toi Series and discuss their learnings, the relationships that were formed and the spark moments that have ignited their inherent creativity. Hara mai tētahi āhua!

PANELISTS:  Hori Te Tai (Te Rarawa Kaiwhare), Kereama Kara (Ngāpuhi), Rongomai Grbic-Hoskins (Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa), Symphony Morunga (Ngāpuhi - Ngāti Kaharau, Ngāti Hau), Zoe Moana Murray (Ngāpuhi)
Taiohi tautoko: Amelia Blundell (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa)

MANAWA KAKAPA | Zoe Moana Murray

Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ohau Tieke me Whakarara te maunga
Ko Matauri te moana
Ko Ngāti Kauau me Ngāti Kura ngā hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Zoe Moana Murray ahau 

Moana is a multi-media artist who works with uku, harakeke, paint and screen printing. She grew up in Los Angeles but recently returned to Aotearoa to pursue te Reo Māori and Toi. Moana is passionate about reviving mātauranga Māori for her whānau and continues to develop her toi practice with raranga and uku.




Tāwera Ngaronoa Tahuri