Kereama Kara
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Putahi me Huruiki ngā maunga
Ko Wairoro me Waiariki ngā awa
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Te Kotahitanga me Whakapara ngā marae
Ko Te Matarahurahu, Ko Ngāti Hau, Ko Ngāti Hao ngā hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Kereama is openly creative across several areas. He sketches and does pencil drawings, mainly from images he’s seen.
These sketches are often in black and white and he’s learning the art of shading carefully.
Kereama is fascinated with anime which is both hand-drawn and computer animation which originated in Japan.
Music is another creative interest for Kereama particularly playing the guitar and drumming and he also likes expressing himself through digital tools.
Kereama creates and makes games from creating the characters and story-lines through to drawing them up and making them live through animation. Part of this process for Kereama is making games using things that are based in Māori tikanga and traditions.