Lydia Day
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Ko Maunga Piko te maunga
Ko Pārengarenga te moana
Ko Waiora te marae
Ko Ngāti Kuri te iwi
Ko Pohotiare te hapū
Lydia’s interests are in photography and visual arts.
She has studied at the Natural Ōra Clinic in Kaitaia learning mirimiri and romiromi which are traditional Māori healing practices. Lydia would love to learn more about Ngāpuhi art and the style that is distinctly Ngāpuhi. She’d also like to help grow and normalise woman carvers within the North and incorporate that practice into her art pieces.
Lydia’s tāngata pūkenga are her mum, aunty and nan. She says these three women have been her support system and raised her with the values of humility, hard work and the importance of whānau.
Lydia is currently participating in the second phase of the Tāhuhu - Stories of Ancestry final documentary film story development wānanga.
Lydia would love to help other rangatahi out there who are wanting a career in the arts and to share the message that you don’t have to walk between te ao Māori/te ao Pakeha and feel you have to sacrifice one for another.