Mikara Hita
Photographer: Jos Wheeler
Pūhangatohorā te maunga
Punākitere te awa Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Okorihi te marae
Ngāti Ueoneone te hapū
Ngāpuhi te iwi
Mikara practises many artforms including weaving, painting, drawing, textiles/fashion, and poetry. But probably her strongest interest and strength right now is in the visual arts of drawing and painting where she likes investigating shading and colour.
Mikara would like to be able to have a career in visual arts where she can sell her art and help others through charitable works.
Mikara’s inspirational pūkenga include the great European artists, Da Vinci and Van Gogh and closer to home, Toi Te Rito Maihi who lives near to Mikara and as well as still being a practising and nationally well-known artist, teaches weaving in Kaikohe.